Power Generation


Power Generation

Power Generation

Elecnor has over many years built up a solid store of engineering and technical know-how in the field of power generation. This know-how has gained expression in a number of exceptional projects that have highlighted the company's ability to draw maximum yields and performance from the energy sources in our environs.

The company's activities in this field run the gamut from turn-key projects to operation and maintenance, turning it into a synonym for excellence the world over.

Elecnor started operations in Australia in 2014, breaking into the solar market under Elecnor Australia. Since then we have consistently been a market leader, consolidating ourselves as a leading provider of EPC solutions for major solar projects in the NEM and have diversified our product offering to include major Wind farms and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). 

Elecnor Australia has a proud history of building the most cutting-edge solutions for Renewable Energies in Australia in Solar, Wind and BESS.

Watch videos
  • A visit to the Osório wind farm in Brazil
  • Building of the L'Érable wind farm
  • Al Rajef Wind Farm
A visit to the Osório wind farm in Brazil
Watch videos
  • Photovoltaic power plant
  • Atersa, in pictures
  • Elecnor, benchmark in solar thermal energy
Photovoltaic power plant